Click the picture to get a closer view.

Yes, yes I know smoking is bad for yours and other peopels health.
So that is why, in real life,  I stopped smoking   almost 2 years ago and I don't miss it at all.
And smoking in Second Life, don't  hurt nobody, or does it?
Is making pictures like this, making smoking looks cool  and accepted ?
Maybe ......

Body Maitreya Lara 4.1 

Bento Head  LeLutka  Skin Fair 2019 Korina
Skin Glam Affair  @ Skin Fair 2019 Korina
Hairbase Tableau Vivant   Lelutka hairbase 04 - B
Hat Eudora3D  @ The Arcade  Anabelle Hat Black RARE
Choker  Eudora3D  @ The Arcade Anabelle Choker Black RARE
Top ISON  @ Collabor88    Anaya Ruffle Top White
Skirt  ISON  @ Collabor88  Cindy Leather Skirt  Black

Pose Foxcity  Night Owl-1


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