Saturday April 18
Since I changed my place *** Beautiful 4 Seasons *** in to Spring time more then 400 people dropped by.
On the second life travel blog Bitacora Viajera Beautiful even got a 5 star rating. Thank you so much for the nice review.
More and more people sending pictures to the Beautiful Flickr group , keep up the good work I love every picture I see.
If and when you want rez rights to drop pose balls or use pose props, drop me an IM so I can add you to the land group. If you are short in groupspace ( like I am ) I wont mind you ask more then once to add you so you can leave the group when you are done taking pictures.
Enjoy the beautiful Springtime and have fun while you shop until you drop.
Tree against the Wall Ravenghost Wishing Tree
Basket Ball Goal and Ball PILOT
Old Fence Razor Bird
Spray Paint [ flit ink ]
City Ashtray [NikotiN]
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