№ 935 GOODBYE H220

Sadly I have to say that the sim  H22O is closing @ the end of the month October. On my list of  Picture Perfect Places  in second life this is and in November this was one of my favorites.
They say all good things come to an end.....
Big thanks for the designers and creators of this beautiful place and I hope to see another fantastic place rise again out of your imaginative brains.
Always remember the good adivce  "Never run in the rain with your socks on"
For the shoppers out there have fun while you shop until you drop
Skin { .essences.}  Ingrid
  Hair  LambCOLLABOR88 October  Pussycat
Dress  even.flow @ Vintage & Cool Fair   Vintage Dress Gray
Vintage & Cool Fair Open until October 24th
Location : H22O


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