Because my bloggers to do list is as long as my arm this is my second post today. I start by saying that my shadows are not as sharp on the lines as I want them to be. As soon I change anything on my current settings I freeze up when I want to take a picture. I want to make my pictures on a higher resolustion setting  as well but as soon as I go higher then 3000 by 1614 I can not take pictures I freeze up and nothing is happening.
Said all that PeachieMuah creator of  {FreshFace} skins made this cute adorable skin called Nora and I am showing the Snow with frecles and blush.
Queue Marlowe the best curly hair maker of second life  made this fabulous hair called 42 and is available @ Hair Fair 2014.
I leave you the credits have fun while you shop until you drop.

Skin  {FresFace}  Nora  *NEW*
Creator : PeachieMuah
Hair Analog Dog @ Hair Fair 2014  42 Light Reds
Creator : Queue Marlowe
Eyes {SONG} Toki Nature Eye
Creator : Funeral Plutonian
Lashes Tameless  Lashes New 39
Creator : Nikita Bracken
Hands Slink Hand Right First Picture Elegant 1
Creator : Siddean Munro
Dress  B.C.C.  @ The Seasons Story  Love Beth Summer Dress Flower
Creator : vitamingirl
Bracelets  [MANDALA] @ COLLABOR88 Kyara Lobeke
Creator :  Kikunosuke Eel
Necklace & Earrings  [MANDALA] @ COLLABOR88  Kyara Sunrise
Sunglasses Izzie's  @  TLC  Round Tortoiseshell Sunglasses Beige
Creator : Izzie  Button
Tattoo  AITUI  Pretty Birds
Creator : Jesseaitui Petion

Location {Imeka}



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