Inka Mexicola skin designer of { essences. } made beautiful new skins with new skin tones. Today I am showing you Jamie {medium 02}  and it comes in a dark and pale skin tone as well. I love the  eyebrow options in different colors to match my second life wigs.
The wet look hair is from *ARGRACE* and is called Hikari and the hairband is from =Zenith= For the bikini from DRIFT and for the water drops on my skin from Izzie's you need to go to TDR FUSION

Location : *Baja Norte* I think the most famous beach area in second life. It does not matter on what time ,  there are  always visitors exploring the place. *Baja Norte* group members have rez rights there is a small joining fee but that is for sim support to keep the place open. If and when you take pictures yourself there is a Flickr group as well to leave you pictures.
 Picture Perfect Places in second life I rate this place with a ✭✭✭✭✭+

       Have a great day have fun while you shop until you drop



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