№ 850 "DE VESTING"

Yes !!! there is a piece of Holland in second life that is more then Amsterdam and the red light district. The Noble family  made  "De Vesting" a little piece of Dutch heaven in second life. I spent there the whole afternoon clapping my hands and smiling in real life because it looks so familiar to the little town I grew up in. There is a group entrance fee  off 150 lindens so you have rez rights for pose balls and other props and donations are very much appreciated.
If you never bin to Holland and your budget is not letting you go in the near future take a trip to Holland in pixels and be amazed like I am. Leave your pictures @ : The (Noble) Pool
In my rating of picture perfect places I rate this place a ✭✭✭✭✭++
Enjoy your weekend and have fun on your journy  where ever you go.



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