Past August we and "we"are the followers of Berry and her Monday challenges and meme's  took Rodvik Linden out for a walk around the grid. I stayed home with Rodvik and did some pixel laundry. Now with the new sl CEO Ebbe Linden in charge this weeks meme is take Ebbe for a spin around the sl block.
I showed Ebbe the domestic side of sl end got preggie for just a photo shoot long.

 Meme instructions by Berry herself : Pick up a copy of Flat Ebbe Linden from Market Place for free and take him to one of your favorite places on the grid. Also, share at least three things that you’d like to tell Ebbe. Please remember to leave a link to your post in the comments and share your Flat Ebbe picture in the Blog memes flickr group.

My comments for Ebbe:
  1.  Can you please stop the rising and introduction of fitted mesh for just a little longer? I see the weirdest deformation's when people are wearing this kind of mesh. My pc dislikes fitted mesh enabled viewers so I crash all the time and buying myself a new pc is budget wise not possible.
  2.    Is it possible to have more group spaces pretty please ? I think I would be very pleased with  60 .... or more 
  3.   Don't be a stranger to the "game" called second life since you have to lead us to the future. Keep on showing yourself on the grid and in all kind of social media I keep up with what you are doing on Berry her blog site then. Or find a way to communicate to all of us in world when there are  developments we all  need to  know. And try to explain things in plain English in stead of talking in lawyers mabo jambo so I need people who studied law to explain things to me.

Skin  -Glam Affair-  Brandi 
Hair  Eaters Coma  Hair 41
Top  Geometry  Dotty Maternity Tank Red 
*Comes in 1st , 2nd and 3rd Trimester Sizes* 
Pants  **SHINE**  Legging Jeans Indigo  *NEW*
Shoes *YS&YS*  @  TDR FUSION  Madrid Open Toe PoisRed
* For Slink Feet Med * 
Poses  Misty Visions Pregnancy Pose Pack 


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