Looking outside to the weather the title of this post is a little bit off.... just a little ? There has bin snow fall last  night  here in Holland so it is snow boots and mittens al over again and I so wanna have sunlight.
After years of nipping and tugging my second life shape I bought myself a shape. I was going on a hunt @ R.icielli and fell in love with this one The great thing about it is  that I can eddit it to personalise it to my own liking. So  I did some lip filling  and some reverse lipo sucktion on my legs and  I was ready to go. Because RL is trowing me some snowballs I went to Luna Luna   for my Springtime  photo shoot. { .essenses. } have some flawless skins available @ TDR FUSION so take your ride there. You have just a couple of days left to get your hand on this round goods. The freckles are no part of the skin but I needed some with this fabulous red hair colour from LoQ also for  bargain price @  TDR FUSION
Enjoy your weekend and  dress warm when you go outside ......

Skin  { .essences.}  @ TDR FUSION  Wednesday Candy Sunkissed
Hair  "LoQ Hairs"  @  TDR FUSION  Absolut
Shape R.icielli  Mari Model  *NEW*
Shirt  Quintessencia  @  Stuff in Stock  Liliam Hearts Top
Pants  DRIFT  City Pants Blush
Shoes  [Gos]  Boutique  Mae Platform Cream
Bag  { mon tissu}  Sophmore Satchel Floral
Scarf  Tee*fy   @  FaMESHed  Collar Snood FlutterHearts
Location  Lula Lula


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