Today fabulous new skin of  *JeSyLiLO* made by  LiLo Glom and like always I  L❥VE  the  skin she makes. A lot of new stuff out as well @  {*I <3 FashiOn*}  go to the store to see more cool skater bags textures.

Skin   *JeSyLiLO*    Autumn  TanSkin  # NEW
Hair   ^;^CaTwA^;^   Manar Hair Style
Shirt  **GizzA**   50's  Shirts Pink
Pants  **Gizza**  Classic Jeans
Shoes  {*I <3 FashiOn*}   Chack Slip-On Unisex  # NEW
Bracelets  {*I <3 FashiOn*}  Kaotic Black 'N'Gold  # NEW
Skate Bag  {*I <3 FashiOn*} Street SkateBag  "Circuite" # NEW

Tattoo URcO.>  1920's  # NEW
Legwarmers [BUKKA] Reg Warmers 
Mouth Pearcing  Somethin'In Your Mouth-Lip Brooch
Poses   Swedish Style  Model Pose 015  # ONLY ON MARKETPLACE
 Ball  ..::: Kal Rau :::. Basket Ball  # FREE GIFT
Location  Ballers City


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