Thank God it is Friday !!! After being away  for some time I got an imploding / exploding inventory and I need the free time this weekend to get at least some of the stuff out here ☂. For now this is the last post with The Secret Store I can post about this shop for 3 weeks in a row so more to come in the next view weeks.

Skin *REDGRAVE*  Jenny Pale  #NEW
Make-Up *REDGRAVE* Lipstick Cherry comes with the bundle skin
Hair booN  Hairpeice  YUME69
Dress The Secret Store Froufrou Sailor's Delight
Shoes {mon tissu} Cottage Flats

Cardigan-on-Shoulder  *COCO* *Border Red
Cap [BUKKA] Marin Cap
Bangels :: PM :: Etnia Bangles Red
Poses with umbrella prop GLITTERATI Rainy Day
Location Truedeau


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