Still having troubles with my bloggers account and thinking of moving to Wordpress But starting all over againg with making a new lay-out and getting used to other ways how to work is putting me of for now. Maybe I work with a shadow blog for a while to get used to Wordpress before I say goodbye to Blogger. Anyone out there with tips about Wordpress ?
Skin Tuli @ (OLD) TDR FUSION Helena December 31
Hair =DeLa*= Carly *NEW*
Shirt *COCO* Turtleneck Sweater *GROUP GIFT*
Pants !Rebel Hope @ FaMESHed Charlie Mesh Pants Brown
Shoes NX_Nardcotix Mana Era Gator Peep Toe Nude
Bag :SEY Signature 01 C&P Bucket Bag *GROUP GIFT*
gorgeous as always Inkie =)