Still recovering from a nasty stomach flu feeling dizzie but managed to get this pictures done between the toilets runs. I caved in in went shopping
ಠ_ಠ "Hello I am inkie and I am a SL shopaholic" ಠ_ಠ Is there a shopping anonymous  group for support ? Is there a 12 step program I can follow ?  Anyone ?? Please !!!! Went to LG Femme  and the new line a fabulous very chic and  lady like and very high fashion. And I  L❥VE  the  accessoires from  LaGyo  that match so perfectly with the clothes.

Skin   LAQ  Olivia  [Nougat]
Eyebrows  LAQ  [Nougat] Red Eyebrows ( Alpha layer )
Make-Up  DeeTaleZ  Dark Eyes Make-Up4
Hair  >TRUTH<  Marielle 2
Top  Mimikri  Chiffon Blouse Dots B&W
Skirt   LG Femme  Brygida Skirt Jet
Boots SLC  Quilted Satin Boots Silver  # NEW
Gloves  The Secret Store  Fine Gloves Black
Bag  ARBIZU  DESIGNS   Chanel Pocket Bag Grey
Ring  LaGyo  Schield Ring Silver/Black
Bracelet  LaGyo  Solitudo Bangle Silver
Sunglasses [BUKKA]  Sunglasses Goch
Poses  Izzie's   Pencil Skirt  # NEW


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